Add a tag
Siga los pasos siguientes para añadir un número de etiqueta para una nota:
Select the note, right-click, and select Add Tag.
When the information message appears, click OK.
In the Add/Edit Note dialog box, enter a tag number in the Tag number field and click OK.
Move the new tag to the required position and click to confirm the location. To change the angle of a note, point to the note, right-click, and select Rotate. Gire la nota al nuevo ángulo y haga clic para configurar.
Change a tag
Siga los pasos siguientes para cambiar el número de etiqueta de una nota:
Select the tag number, right-click, and select Switch Number.
In the Switch Number dialog box, select another tag number and note, and click OK.
Eliminar una etiqueta
To delete a tag (not the associated note), select the tag and press the DELETE key.