To change the appearance, dimensions, pricing, quantity or other attributes of an item, select the item on the Floor Plan or Elevation area and click Attributes in the ITEMS ribbon. Alternatively, you can point to the item, right-click, and select Attributes, or again, double-click on the item.
The Attributes dialog box provides immediate visual feedback for the item or component (configuration, assembly, part or edge) that you are currently editing. You can also display only those attributes that relate to the currently selected component. The tabs in the Attributes dialog box allow you to change the values of the variables (attributes).
Note: Although the general look and feel is consistent regardless of the catalog you are working with, some aspects of the Attributes dialog box were designed specifically to support custom catalogs. Most illustrations in this and the following sections use custom catalog items to show the full extent of the Attributes functionality. Depending on the catalogs that you use, additional or fewer attributes and variables are available in this dialog box. For more information on custom catalogs, please contact Customer Support.
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