Watch this video to see how to create a countertop from draw shapes.
Click the Draw menu.
*If the Ribbon mode is turned on.
Click on Annotations.
Select shape in the draw menu. Note: Countertops can only be created with a closed shape (Square, Rectangle, Circle, Ellipse and Triangle).
Click on the floorplan and adjust the size of the shape by expanding using your mouse or enter the dimensions in the Placement box.
Right click in the shape, click Make 3D.
On the Countertop window, double click on Countertops, click on one of the available countertops and click the Place button.
The countertop up/down position is now set to 0. To adjust the position, right click on the countertop, click Attributes and change the Up-Down value.
Click OK to close out of the attributes dialog.
Note: The countertop may have invalid pattern lines. You can prevent this by selecting the Square Foot Top (SQ.FT-TOP) countertop.