Point menu editing options
The add command allows you to add points to a surface and linear items, such as countertops and moldings. This command is generally used in combination with other point or line commands.
Complete the following steps to use the add command:
- Point to the surface or linear item that you want to add the point to, right-click, and select Edit shape.
- Point to a point, right-click, and select add from the point menu.
- Move the pointer in the direction in which you want to add the point.
- Click to confirm the position of the new point, or type a value in the placement box and press enter.
The bevel command allows you to clip corners on surface items, such as countertops and soffits. To clip corners on linear items, such as moldings, you must first combine their sections. See combine linear item sections for more information.
Complete the following steps to use the bevel command:
- Point to the surface item that you want to bevel, right-click, and select edit shape.
- Select a corner point, right-click, and select bevel from the point menu.
- The Remove Bevel command allows you to return a corner to its initial angle.
- To use the Remove Bevel command, point to the line, right-click, and select Remove Bevel.
The mirror command allows you to mirror a point onto a connecting line of linear and surface items, such as moldings and countertops.
Complete the following steps to use the mirror command:
- Point to the surface or linear item that you want to modify, right-click, and select edit shape.
- Select a point, right-click, and select mirror from the point menu.
- Select a line to flip the point to the other side at the same distance.
The move command allows you to move points on surface or linear items, such as countertops and moldings
Complete the following steps to use the move command:
- Point to the surface or linear item that you want to modify, right-click, and select edit shape.
- Select a point, right-click, and select move from the point menu.
- Select a line to indicate the direction to move the point.
- Drag the point to the new position and click to set, or type the values in the placement box and press enter.
The notch command allows you to carve a notch on the surface items, such as countertop and soffits.
To add a notch to linear items, such as moldings, you must first combine their sections. See combine linear item sections for more information.
Complete the following steps to use the notch command:
- Point to the surface item that you want to add a notch to, right-click, and select edit shape.
- Select a point, right-click, and select notch from the point menu.
- Move the pointer toward the inside of the section to create the notch.
- Click to set the notch, or type values in the placement box and press enter.
Radius corner
The radius corner command allows you to change right-angled corners into radius corners on surface items, such as countertops and soffits.
To add radius corners to linear items, such as moldings, you must first combine their sections. See combine linear item sections for more information.
Complete the following steps to use the radius corner command:
- Point to the surface item that you want to add a radius corner to, right-click, and select edit shape.
- Select a corner point, right-click, and select radius corner from the point menu.
- Move the pointer toward the inside of the section and click to set, or type values in the radius field of the placement box and press enter.
Right-angled corner
The right-angled corner command allows you to convert a clipped corner to a right-angled corner.
Complete the following steps to use the right-angled corner command:
- Select a countertop point, right-click, and select right-angled corner from the point menu.
- Select the line before or after this point to indicate the 90-degree reference.
Double right-angled corner
The double right-angled corner command allows you to create 90-degree corners for surface items, such countertops, and make the front and back of the item parallel.
This command works only on surfaces that have four connecting points.
The following figure provides an example of converted double right-angled corners on a countertop surface.
Complete the following steps to use the double right-angled corner:
- Point to the surface or linear items that you want to modify, right-click, and select edit shape.
- Select the point whose preceding and following corners must be at 90 degrees, right-click, and select double right-angled corner.
The Rotate command allows you to rotate a point on a surface or linear items, such as countertops and toe kicks.
Complete the following steps to use the rotate command:
- Point to the surface or linear item that you want to modify, right-click, and select edit shape.
- Select the point to rotate, right-click, and select rotate from the point menu.
- Select a second point to indicate the rotation center.
- Move the pointer to rotate the point and click to set the new position and shape, or type and angle in the placement box and press enter.
The delete command allows you to remove points from surface or linear items, such as countertops and moldings.
Complete the following steps to use the delete command:
- Point to the surface or linear item that you want to modify, right-click, and select edit shape.
- Selected a point, right-click, and select delete from the point menu.