There are lot of applications that can be used to convert the 360 Panoramic Viewer images to work with the Oculus VR. The MaxVR application is the easiest to configure. Click on the link below for more information about MaxVR:
Steps to Follow:
* From within Design software, you need to use 360 panoramic JPG file in MaxVR.
- From the rendering window, select file -- save as 360 panoramic view.
- Click on Publish and enter the information needed. Make sure to enter your email address in the Dealer Email field.
- Click on Send.
- Once finished, the 360 Panoramic Viewer link will be sent to you by email and the image will be loaded into your default web browser.
- From the browser's address bar , add offline.jpg to the end of the URL address (website address). This will load static 360 Panoramic Viewer image to the browser.
- Right click on the static image and select Save Image as, then choose the folder to save the image to.
- In MaxVR, click on File -- Open Image, and select the previously saved image.
Note: MaxVR will not work with the newest version of the Oculus (version 2). You will find a link for another application provided by Oculus for the same results.