You can use Oculus Rift with Design to see 360 panoramic views.
In order to have your Oculus working with Design, you need to download and install the “360Photos” app from the Oculus store (it is free):
You then need to install the app and create a specific folder on your PC where the panoramic files will need to be copied.
1. Install 360Photos and follow the on-screen instructions.
2. Once installed, on your PC, under the Pictures folder, create a new folder named OculusPhotos (C:\Users\[username]\Pictures\OculusPhotos)
From the Design side, you need to use the full panoramic jpeg file in 360Photos. You can save panoramic jpeg when loading:
1. From the Rendering window, select File Save As 360 Panoramic View.
2. Click on Publish and enter the information needed. Make sure to enter your email address in the Dealer Email field
3. Click on Send.
4. Once finished, the panoramic image will be loaded in your Internet browser (you can also click on the link you will receive by email).
5. Click on the download button and save the image in the OculusPhotos folder (you can save the image under another name, but you need to keep the JPG extension).
Now, put on your 3D glasses and launch the 360Photos application. Select the My Photos option and click on the panoramic image you just saved.