Create and save a 360 panoramic view from multiple saved views
You can now incorporate a series of saved views within a single 360 degree panoramic presentation.
Allow your customer(s) to view your renderings live and remotely
Available exclusively in Design Live.
Design Live Share. This collaborative tool allows designers to interact remotely and instantly with their customers by sharing their renderings for viewing via a web site.
Present your project, exchange opinions, make the desired changes in Design Live, and click this button to update your changes in your customer's browser.
Choose a focus point in a rendered image and blur the background
Bring the customer's attention to a particular point in the image and blur the background (bokeh effect).
Artistic blur of the front or back of a photo with low depth field, [-] generally used for the stylistic effects it produces and to put more emphasis on the subject.
Refer to the following article for further information on how to use Blur, focus Radius, and Pick Focus Point:
Choosing a focus point in a render and blurring the background
Log out of your 2020 Design account when you close 2020 Design
Automatically logout when application closes. When selected, this new preference allows you to disconnect automatically from your account when you close 2020 Design. This feature might be useful when you switch from one computer to another.