Materials with blurred reflections (like stainless steel or frosted glass) are pretty costly regarding rendering time.
Area lights will also affect rendering times. Strip lights (usually generated by the Lighting Wizard) are rendered with area lights. Therefore, designs with lights added through Lighting Wizard will be much slower to render.
Size of the rendering window. This plays a very big part in the time a design takes to render. If the rendering module window is maximized (full screen), it will take the longest time.
The time a design takes to render also depends on your screen resolution. For example, if your screen resolution is 1920x1080, this is very big. A rendering that size would look great on a 60’’ LCD Full HDTV although it would take more time to render.
Re-sizing the rendering module window will allow a faster rendering.
To do a test render (to get an idea of what the image looks like when rendered), make the window smaller and set the quality selection to Low.
When creating the final rendering to present to a client, make the window larger or even full screen. This can easily take 15-20 minutes.
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