The Effects tab allows you to quickly adjust the rendering effects of a design in real time via a slider bar. Brightness, Contrast, Shadows/Highlights, Color Temperature, and Saturation can be changed without requiring a re-render. Furthermore, artistic Filters can be used in combination with the existing Effects sliders. These settings can be saved as part of a user-defined adjustments effects.
It will be possible to Reset all the setting adjustments you made to the current design or reset one or more setting adjustments back to their default values.
NOTE: Post-process, adjustments and filter adjustments can only be done in Perspective view.
TIP: You can save a view with the Save View button in the lower-right corner of the EFFECTS window.
What do you want to do?
Adjust the brightness and/or contrast effects of a rendered image
These slider controls allow you to adjust the overall brightness and/or contrast of the current view image.
TIP: Adjustments will be reflected immediately in the current view.
in the PRESENTATION ribbon, click Perspective View
The Effects tab appears. -
On the Effects tab, in the Adjustments group, move the Brightness and/or Contrast slider to the right or to the left to increase/decrease the level of brightness and/or contrast of the rendered view.
Adjust the shadows and highlights effects of a rendered image
This feature allows you to adjust the shadows and highlights of the currently selected named view image via the slider control.
TIP: Adjustments will be reflected immediately in the current view.
in the PRESENTATION ribbon, click Perspective View
The Effects tab appears. -
On the Effects tab, in the Adjustments group, move the Shadows/Highlights slider to the right to lighten the image of the rendered view, or to the left to darken it.
Adjust the color temperature effects of a rendered image
This feature allows you to adjust the color temperature (cool/warm) of the currently selected named view image via a slider control.
TIP: Adjustments will be reflected immediately in the current view.
in the PRESENTATION ribbon, click Perspective View
The Effects tab appears. -
On the Effects tab, in the Adjustments group, move the Color Temperature slider to the right or to the left to adjust the color temperature of the rendered view. This adjustment goes from a warm orange tint (left) to a cool blue tint (right).
Adjust the colour saturation effects of a rendered image
This feature allows you to adjust the color saturation of the currently selected named view image via a slider control. This adjustment goes from totally unsaturated (greyscale) to oversaturated (the higher the saturation of a color, the more vivid it is).
TIP: Adjustments will be reflected immediately in the current view.
in the PRESENTATION ribbon, click Perspective View
The Effects tab appears. -
On the Effects tab, in the Adjustments group, move the Saturation slider to the right to make colors more vivid or to the left to make colors more muted.
Adjust the amount of blur applied to a rendered image
This feature allows you to adjust the amount of blur in the render image of the currently selected named view via the Blur slider control.
In the PRESENTATION ribbon, click Perspective View
The Effects tab appears. -
On the Effects tab, in the Blur group, move the Blur slider to the right or to the left to increase or decrease the blur strength.
Note: Focus Radius and Pick Focus Point are disabled when blur is zero. See the next section for how to use these features.
Pick the focus depth/adjust the focus radius of a rendered image
These features allow you to select a focal point you want the viewer to focus on and use the Focus Radius slider to blur out the background. Areas more distant from a focus point will be blurred more than areas closer to the focus point (i.e. the further the background is from the subject, the more blurred it will appear).
TIP: Adjustments will be reflected immediately in the current selected named view.
- in the PRESENTATION ribbon, click Perspective View
The Effects tab appears. - Once the amount of blur is set in the render image (see section above) you will be able to click on the Pick Focus Point option.
- When the Pick Focus Point option is highlighted, select an object or area in the image to which you want to draw attention.
- Move the Focus Radius slider to the right or to the left to adjust the range of blur.
Pick a white or black reference point in the rendered image
TIP: Adjustments will be reflected immediately in the current view.
in the PRESENTATION ribbon, click Perspective View
The Effects tab appears. -
On the Effects tab, in the Post-Process group, click the Pick White Point or Pick Black Point option and then pick a color from the rendered image to be the new white or black level. All colors in the image will then be adjusted appropriately based on the new white or black level. The default (unadjusted) white point is a pure white color (RGB 255, 255, 255). The default (unadjusted) black point is a pure black color (RGB 0, 0, 0).
Press the ESC key on your keyboard to finish setting either point.
Apply an artistic effect to a rendered image- in the PRESENTATION ribbon, click Perspective View
The Effects tab appears. - On the Effects tab, in the Filters group, click on the Filters thumbnails to see the affect it has on the render.
Note: You can use the drop-down list to see more filters. - If you change your mind scroll up to the first Filter which is None and click it.
- in the PRESENTATION ribbon, click Perspective View
Reset one or more settings back to their default values
It is possible to reset each individual effect for the current named view back to the default (unadjusted) value.
- On the Effects tab, in the Post-Process group, open the Reset All drop-down list.
NOTE: If an option in the list is greyed out this means that no changes were made to the associated setting. - Select the setting you want to return to its original state.
Save the current settings
Once you have adjusted the rendering effects of the selected design to your taste, it is possible to save your settings.
In the text field next to the Save view button at the bottom right of your screen, type a name and click Save view.
Recall a saved named view
in the PRESENTATION ribbon, click the Named Views drop-down list.
Select the named view of your choice and it will be displayed.
OR -
in the PRESENTATION ribbon, click Perspective View
The Effects tab appears. -
Click the drop-down list located on the left side of the Save view button (which is at the bottom right of your screen).
Select the named view of your choice and it will be displayed.
Working with favorites
Once you have adjusted the rendering effects of the selected design to your taste, it is possible to save your settings as a favorite.
- in the PRESENTATION ribbon, click Perspective View
The Effects tab appears. - In the Favorites group, click the Save Favorite icon:
- In the Favorite Name field, type a name.
- Click OK. Your saved settings effects will be displayed in the Favorites gallery.
NOTE: favorites are listed in the alphabetical order of their names. - To recall a saved favorite, on the Effects tab under the Favorites section click the desired thumbnails to view image in its full size.
- To modify, rename or delete a saved favorite, on the Effects tab under the Favorites section right click the desired thumbnail and select Modify favorite, Rename favorite or Delete favorite.