Insert an image
Complete the following steps to insert an image in a drawing layout:
Select the frame, right-click, and select Load Image from the Image Frame: Empty menu. The Load Image dialog box opens.
The default path for images is ...ProgramData\2020 Technologies\Clipart. If your image is located elsewhere, select the disk drive from the Drives list and navigate to the folder in the directory tree.
To list only the files of a particular format (standard formats are available), select the format type from the Files of type list.
Type the image name in the File Name field, or select the file from the directory tree.
Select the Original image size check box to avoid resizing the image to fit in the frame.
Click OK.
Clear an image
To remove the contents of an image frame in a drawing layout, select the frame, right-click, and select Clear Image.
Reload the original size of an image
To retrieve the original size of an image in a Drawing Layout frame, select the frame, right-click, and select Restore Original Image Size.
This applies only to images that were added via insert an image or paste from Clipboard.