In addition to providing default textures (COMMON catalog), the Textures dialog box was changed to allow users to:
- add and edit textures to be saved in a user library that will be available throughout designs
- verify a tiling selection within the Textures dialog box with the Textures Tiling Viewer.
The Texture Tiling button and Scale Units button are new.
The Search field was improved to allow entry of the texture number only for user familiar with texture codes.
How to add and edit textures
To add or edit a texture, you must first copy an existing texture from the catalog textures (COMMON catalog) to the User Texture Library. Simply right-click on a texture in the middle pane (list of available textures) and select Copy texture(s) to User Texture Library.
Note: Once a texture is saved in the User Texture Library, clicking OK in the Textures dialog box also saves the user texture with the current design.
The User texture library button is now selected at the top of the dialog box and the Texture editing buttons become available.
Scale units
Through the Scale Units button, you can choose Inches or Millimeters to display scaling information below the preview image in the Textures window.
Attributes -> Tile Color -> Scale unit icon
See the two illustrations below.