Design crashes on the secondary monitor, this is a problem with the Nahimic audio driver and Nvidia.
Complete the following steps to solve the issue:
- Locate this Nahimic blacklist C:\ProgramData\A-Volute\A-Volute.Nahimic\Modules\Scheduled\Configurator.
- Open the Blackapps.dat file with notepad.
- Add Design.exe and LeRendu.exe to the list to avoid injecting 2020 Design by Nahimic.
- Save the Blackapps.dat on your desktop (you will not be able to save and overwrite the existing file).
- Drag the Blackapps.dat file from your desktop into the folder C:\ProgramData\A-Volute\A-Volute.Nahimic\Modules\Scheduled\Configurator and replace it with the existing file.
- There is no needed to restart PC or Nahimic Service.
- Open Design and launch the perspective view.