The following error message comes up when trying to save a design file
2020 has recorded a major error and created am .err log file.......
In most cases, the design file becomes corrupted.
Try loading the backup file .BAK. This file is created when the design is first saved.
Click File and Open.
On the Open dialog window, click the drop down arrow on the field Files of Type and select BAK files.
Select the design file to load.
Tips to prevent this issue
Please note Design is a 32-bit application and only uses 3GB of memory.
- Close and reopen Design periodically to release any cache memory.
- Importing items from SketchUp and user textures also affect the memory usage.
- Limit the design to 1 or 2 rooms. It is not recommended to layout an entire floor of a house. If you have multiple versions of the same design or with slight variations, keep them in separate design files.
- Keep a backup of your designs.