When opening your software you receive the following error:
You are already signed in on another computer. Please sign out of that computer before attempting to sign in on another one.
As the message states this may occur if you are using the same login/license on another computer. You may only sign in on one computer at a time with the same license. Signing out of your software on the other computer should clear this message.
What if you are in a scenario where your other PC is not accessible? For example, you leave one computer in the office logged in, but you take your other computer home and realize that you forgot to log out of the office computer. In that scenario, you have three options:
- Log into Cyncly Account and reset your own license
- Contact your account Admin and ask them to reset your license
- Contact Support and ask them to reset your license
Information About Releasing a Session
You may log into Cyncly Account and reset your own license.
Some notes before you begin:
- Your account Admin can release a license for any user on the account
- Users (non-Admins) can only release their own license
- You may only release 5 licenses per user, per calendar year (January to December)
The limitation of 5 releases per year, per license, is to prevent abuse and some other potential issues. If you run out of releases during the calendar year please contact Support and they can extend your limit.
How To Release a Session
1. Log into your Cyncly Account.
2. On the left select Manage Users & Sessions.
3. Select the Manage Sessions tab.
4. Use the search field to locate the user or scroll down. Next to the user’s name you will see a list of Products assigned to them and a button to Release Session. Click the button to proceed.
5. A window will appear indicating how many resets you have remaining. As the window states it may take 5-10 minutes for the reset to complete depending on server traffic. Click Confirm to begin the session release.
6. A message will appear in the upper right corner informing you that it may be a few minutes before the reset it complete. The icon in the Release Session column will change to an hourglass.
7. After 5 minutes refresh this window in your web browser (press F5 on most browsers). Your name or session should have disappeared from the list. This is good! This means the session on the servers has ended. You may now try to log into the software.
Other Notes
- If you attempt to release a session and you have used your release allowance you will receive a Release Error. If you receive this error please contact Support for assistance.
- The first time you launch your software after performing a reset the software may kick you out with another error message. This may occur if the local session on your computer needed to reset to align with the server. If this occurs, simply launch the software again and log back in and the login should work normally.