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When you launch Design, a window appears to indicate the availability of a newer version. You can choose to install update or stay on the current version. You can also get the Release Notes from this window.
EZ Render: Save and recall post-process effects settings
Since 12.4, we have controls for Filters, Brightness, Contrast, Shadows/Highlights, Colour Temperature, and Saturation. All these settings can now be captured and saved as favourites.
Changes to Cloud catalog settings are reapplied from one computer to another
The changes you made to the Cloud catalog settings are reapplied when you access 2020 Design from another computer.
Cloud catalog Lights artifacts now emit light
Lighting fixtures from the Cloud emit light in the renderings.New mechanism for lighting
We've improved usability of light controls by providing the following slider bars:
Artificial. Controls the level of artificial light along walls.
Natural/Realistic. Controls the level of natural light passing through windows and doors containing windows.
User Added. Controls the light intensity of all light items that are placed by the user.
Users can set their own default light settings in the Rendering Preferences dialog box. See the screen capture in the chapter below.
Rendering Preferences window
When you check EZ Render in the first section of the Preferences window, you'll see that the Rendering pane (whose name has been changed) was redesigned and divided into two parts:
Lighting and Perspective/Realtime (see screen capture below).