On the view ribbon, in the Tools section, use the drop-down on the Screen Preset icon to select which tool palette group you want to display on each side of the drawing area. Choose from the following options.
Displays the item Browser panes to the left of the drawing area. Cloud configurator, Information, Placement and Attribute Lite panes to the right. This is the program's default layout.
Left Most
Displays all panes to the left of the drawing area.
Use the Classic option to display the Information, Placement and Local Browser panes to the left of the drawing area. All other dockable components will be displayed to the right of the drawing area.
This will be greyed out until you have saved a layout personalized to your requirements. Once this is done this option will load the previously saved configuration
Save Custom
You can move, resize, remove, dock, and undock a dockable pane and save your layout as a custom preset, by clicking this option.
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