Use a digitized company logo made with a high quality graphic software. Preferably, you should create a bitmap (.bmp) file. The ideal size for the logo is 450 x 135 pixels. Because the program reads the default Title block logo path set in Preferences, you can save your logo file to this default path. You can also redirect the default Title block logo path to your logo file.
Complete the following steps to copy your logo file to the default Title block logo path:
Access Windows Explorer and locate your logo file.
Select the file, right-click, and select Copy from the menu.
Locate and open the \ProgramData\2020 Technologies\Config folder.
Select the Config folder, then right-click and select Paste from the menu.
Close Windows Explorer.
Complete the following steps to change the default Title block logo path:
In the File menu, select Preferences.
In the Preferences dialog box, select the File Paths pane.
In the Title block logo field, replace the current path with the new path. Alternatively, you can click the Browse button in the Title block logo field and navigate to your logo file.
Click OK to close the Preferences dialog box.
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