The VIEW ribbon is where you choose the dockable tools that are displayed on your work space and where you call up the Design Assistants. If you used a previous version of Design and want to work with the legacy toolbars, this is where you edit the toolbar preferences (Preferences, Application Look, Ribbon Mode cleared). The View ribbon also contains the Refresh button and the buttons for arranging windows on your screen.
Displays the Cloud window. | |
Displays the Local Browser catalogs. | |
Displays the Information box. | |
Displays the Placement box. See How to use the placement tool | |
Displays the Attributes Lite box. | |
Displays the design Assistants box. | |
Repositions the dockable components. | |
Refreshes all views on the Work area. | |
Displays the Window Manager if you have several design windows open. | |
Arranges all minimized windows as nonoverlapping windows. | |
Stacks all open windows with a slight offset so they appear to cascade. See article Arrange all minimized windows |