You can save display settings as schemes and make them accessible for other designs. You can also have more than one scheme per design.
Save a scheme
To save your scheme, in the Display Settings for All dialog box, click Save As to open the Save As dialog box.
In the File name field, type the name for the current display settings scheme.
Click Save to confirm or click Cancel to ignore.
All scheme files are saved in the ...ProgramData\2020 Technologies\Config folder.
If you save a scheme in Floor Plan, the file bears the .shf extension; for example, design1.shf.
If you save a scheme in Elevation, the file bears the .she extension; for example, design1.she.
If you save a scheme in Side Elevation, the file bears the .shc extension; for example, design1.shc.
Select a scheme
To select a scheme, in the Display Settings for All dialog box, select the new scheme from the Scheme list.
To apply your changes without leaving the Display Settings for All dialog box, click Apply.
To apply your changes and quit the Display Settings for All dialog box, click OK.
To ignore your modifications, click Cancel.
Delete a scheme
Complete the following steps to delete a scheme from Design:
In the Display Settings for All dialog box, select the scheme from the Scheme list and click Delete.
When the Delete display scheme confirmation message appears, click Yes.
To apply your changes without leaving the Display Settings for All dialog box, click Apply.
To apply your changes and close the Display Settings for All dialog box, click OK.
To ignore your modifications, click Cancel.