You can lengthen or shorten a wall at its beginning or end using either of the following methods.
With the wall handles
Click any wall/construction line to select it and display the wall handles. If the Link button is enabled in the Work Area toolbar and the selected wall is part of a group, all wall handles are displayed.
If the Link button is disabled; therefore, the walls are unlinked. -
Click the green handle at either end of the wall/construction line and drag the wall to the new length.
Click to confirm the change.
With Edit Wall Shape
To access the Edit Wall Shape mode, point to any wall/construction line, right-click, and select Edit Wall Shape.
Click the extremity of a wall/construction line to change its length.
Drag the wall to the new length or enter a value in the Placement box.
Click to set the new position.
To cancel your changes and exit the Edit Wall Shape mode, click Discard Changes in the Edit Shape ribbon.
To accept your changes and exit the Edit Wall Shape mode, click Accept Changes in the Edit Shape ribbon.
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