Building a room
- Import Vertex files into Design
- How to add a window to a room
- Adding or deleting a wall cutout (pass-through)
- Use the triangle field to draw wall angles
- Type tab (wall properties dialog box)
- Stretch/crop a portion of a wall group
- Rotate a wall group
- Rotate a wall
- Room layout ribbon
- How to set or change room textures
- Right point wall justification
- Right extension line
- Place a basic window
- Place a basic door
- Add windows, doors and other openings
- One-Sided and Two-Sided Walls/Construction Lines
- Move one wall in a wall group
- Move both walls horizontally
- Move a wall group
- Move a wall
- Mirror a wall group
- Material tab (Wall properties dialog)
- Group construction items
- Left point wall justification
- Lengthen or shorten a wall at the beginning or end
- Insert a wall
- Flip a wall group
- Floor plan area
- Export a plan from magicplan to Design
- Extrude a wall