Use the Stretch/Crop command to lengthen or shorten a portion of a wall or construction line group. The results of this command vary according to where you click the group before you select Stretch/Crop. There are several points you need to keep in mind when using this command. The following example of the Stretch command illustrates these points.
The direction of the Stretch/Crop command is always parallel to the wall/construction line that you select.
Here, by clicking on the vertical wall, the Stretch/Crop command will go up or down:
The walls/construction lines that are moved when stretching or cropping depend on the starting point that you choose before you select Stretch/Crop. This starting point represents the first corner of an invisible rectangle that spreads toward the side that is closest to the starting point and parallel to the selected wall/construction line. Also, if the initial and/or end points of one or several walls/construction lines in this group are part of the invisible rectangle, these walls will also be stretched or cropped.
Any wall/construction line whose initial OR end points are included in this invisible rectangle will cause only this portion of the wall/construction line group to be moved.
Complete the following steps to stretch or crop a wall/construction line group:
Point to any wall/construction line, right-click, and select Edit Wall Shape.
To resize a section of a wall or construction line group, point to the start position from which to stretch or crop inside a wall/construction line and right-click. In the pop-up menu, point to Wall Group and select Stretch/Crop.
Move the pointer to stretch or crop and click to set the new dimensions.
To cancel your changes and exit the Edit Wall Shape mode, click Discard Changes in the EDIT SHAPE ribbon.
To save your changes and exit the Edit Wall Shape mode, click Accept Changes in the EDIT SHAPE ribbon.